A69/A68 Junction Improvements - Styford & Bridge End (Highways England)


Improvements to the A69/A68 Styford Junction in Corbridge and A69/A6079 Bridge End junction in Hexham

The A69 is an important route between Newcastle and Carlisle that helps connect Scotland and the Tyne and Wear. It provides an arterial link between the north east and north west of England that is heavily used by hauliers and commuters. However, the A69 between Hexham and Newcastle is a particularly busy section, and there are often delays at peak travel times, particularly at the Bridge End and Styford roundabouts.

As a result of this study, in March 2017 Highways England announced a £220 million package of improvements as part of the congestion relief fund. This included two junction improvements along the A69, one at the A69/A6079 Bridge End roundabout and one at the A69/A68 Styford roundabout.

These hyper-realistic fly-through animations and visual illustrations have been produced to give a better impression of how the proposals will look on completion for public consultations as the projects has gathered speed through 2019/20.

The Illustrator

Richard Childs

Illustrator specialising in 2d plans & elevations, Exteriors, Interiors, Animation

Similar style by Richard Childs and other SAI members